Online Allotment System

                 Automated Online Allotment System is software developed to work on web-platform to manage the complete admission procedures of various departments of an institution. The process of admission, notice boards, important declarations , result publish etc are very time consuming and really a big headache if we are doing these all manually. This paper-pen process is not only time consuming but also inefficient and it’s difficult to maintain the paperwork and the records
                 Through this project we are trying to overcome the problem of maintaining paper based records and focussing on digital experience. We are completely automating the allotment system. In addition to that we are sending the push notification to the registerd users.
                 Admin will add list of courses, colleges and the number of available seats in the college. Now the students / parents on their behalf can register and submit their prefernces along with their marks in the previous course attended. They can set prefernces on the college/course they want.

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