Library Management System

                 A Library Management System(LMS) is a software which is designed to cater the basic house keeping functionality of a Library. Using LMS we can track the books issues to user, returned, All the availble books in the library etc. This makes existing system efficient by making a user friendly environmnet for user, makes functioning of Library faster and minimize lose of books etc
                 Our system is designed for Colleges to make their Library functionality to an automated one. Most of the colleges still use paper works for maintaining the books available, track of issued books, returned books etc. This is very time consuming as they has to search a lot for getting the information. Further more there is a chance of losing the data and boooks. Our system is designed in a way such that all the basic functionality of the Library can be done in an easy and useful manner.
                 Our system keeps the track of all books in the library, issued history, returned history and reports also can be generated. This is very helpful for getting the track of mostly useful books and less important books, so that they can buy more on demand. Further more Students can login to the system and can search for the available books in the library.

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